

Meta-analysis of A Abuse in The Covid-19 Era


Received: August 16, 2024; Accepted: August 22, 2024; Published: August 30, 2024

*Corresponding author: Vázquez FRS, Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Morelos, Mexico, Tel: +52 55 2518 4238; E-mail: bundestrans@gmx.es

Citation: Vázquez FRS and Lirios CG (2024) Meta-analysis Of A Abuse In The Covid-19 Era. Clin Img & Med Case Rep Vol.1 No.1

Copyright: ©2024 Vázquez FRS. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited

The objective of this work was to establish the homogeneous random effects of child maltreatment based on formative and reflective review criteria. A retrospective and systematic documentary research was carried out, alluding to a sample of studies published in 2023 on the pandemic and its effects on child abuse. Block random effect sizes at confidence intervals and low percentages of random attribution were found, as well as testing of the null hypothesis regarding significant differences between individual values with respect to a block. The findings allow the study to be extended to other publication thresholds such as 2023 with other cases derived from violence in confinement and social distancing.


Domestic assaults; Child treatment; Psychological treatment


The national demographic change by federal entities in 2023 carried out by CONAPO and the population growth indicate: According to CONAPO's current population projections in mid-October 20, the country's inhabitants amounted to 104.2 million. It is estimated that just over two million New Mexicans were born during the year, but some 465,000 died, leaving a net increase of 1.55 million people. In this way, the annual growth rate of 1.49 percent derived from the excess of births over deaths was reduced to 1.11 percent as a consequence of migration abroad (1). The global fertility rate, currently 2.21 children per woman, is gradually approaching the replacement level (2.11 children) that is expected to be reached in 2005. Life expectancy, for its part, continues to rise and is estimated at 74 .9 years at present (72.4 years for men and 77.4 for women), which implies an average decrease of six percent with respect to the level of mortality registered at the beginning of the present administration. Even more significant has been the twelve percent decrease in the infant mortality rate, since it went from 233 deaths of children under one year of age for every 10,000 live births in 2000 to 205 in 2010.

Households in the Metropolitan Area of Mexico City suffer some type of domestic violence; Likewise, it revealed a greater presence of acts of violence in the home headed by men, of these homes reported some type of violence from those headed by women. On the other hand, the most frequent aggressors are the head of the household and the spouse, while the most affected victims are daughters, sons and spouses (Inegi, 2020). The different types of violence in families. The most frequent expressions of emotional abuse are yelling and major anger; of households with the presence of emotional aggression suffered more yelling and anger. It is important to take into account that there are various factors that influence psychological and physical abuse in children, since it is a social problem, aspects such as demographic growth, economic level, population dynamics, poverty, all these factors directly influence. the mistreatment of minors since in our country the population is increasing which causes greater overcrowding in homes of extreme poverty which causes a very deplorable quality of life for the family, our country has more than 50% of the population in extreme poverty and less the middle class means that abuse occurs at these levels but they are more susceptible to it.

Households in the Metropolitan Area of Mexico City suffer some type of domestic violence; Likewise, it revealed a greater presence of acts of violence in the home headed by men, of these homes reported some type of violence from those headed by women. On the other hand, the most frequent aggressors are the head of the household and the spouse, while the most affected victims are daughters, sons and spouses (Inegi, 2020). The different types of violence in families. The most frequent expressions of emotional abuse are yelling and major anger; of households with the presence of emotional aggression suffered more yelling and anger. It is important to take into account that there are various factors that influence psychological and physical abuse in children, since it is a social problem, aspects such as demographic growth, economic level, population dynamics, poverty, all these factors directly influence. the mistreatment of minors since in our country the population is increasing which causes greater overcrowding in homes of extreme poverty which causes a very deplorable quality of life for the family, our country has more than 50% of the population in extreme poverty and less the middle class means that abuse occurs at these levels but they are more susceptible to it.

In the case of differences between men and women, gender studies show that it is men who reproduce the cycle of violence that goes from frustration to aggression (4). Meanwhile, in the case of women, they attend to profiles and patterns of vicarious conduct. The learning of abuse is disseminated by the reproduction of violence when living with a real or latent potential aggressor.

Following these same reports, the differences between ages are also due to the context of asymmetric relationships between aggressors and victims (5). It is a scenario in which the social structure favors the perpetrator by being legitimized by the imitators with respect to the victim to whom it attributes a state of passivity. This is the case of bullying in which the actors coexist in a structure that establishes hierarchies in order of achievement and school performance without considering the situations in which these differences occur or at least the emergence of violence.

However, the situation variables have not been included in the models when explaining the appearance of psychological abuse (6). It is known that the scarcity of resources is a condition of power relations and these can lead to abuse, but they are also generators of conventional relations where the actors learn to establish alliances and compete for resources.

If psychological abuse or mistreatment is an instrument of power, then leadership studies would reveal significant advances in the differences between talents and managers (7). This is the case of organizational violence in which the manager is the main orchestrator of the violence towards potential victims. These are interdependent profiles in which leaders need the legitimacy of their decisions and followers who expect solutions from their representatives.

The aim of this paper was to establish the homogeneous random effects of psychological abuse on school performance, considering a systematic review of studies published in journals indexed to international repositories.

Are there significant differences between individual homogeneous random effects with respect to block homogeneous random effects, considering a review of the literature moderated by factors of updating, specialization, and international prestige?

The premise that guides this research suggests that studies related to psychological abuse reveal a direct, negative, and significant effect on school performance, considering the moderation of specialization, update, and prestige indices. That is, studies related to psychological abuse seem to affect school performance in a systematic, random, and homogeneous way, although the subdiscipline that studies the subject warns that these variables coexist with others related to personality or violence (8). This is so because the structure of psychological abuse is made up of formative criteria when establishing determining relationships and reflexive criteria when establishing indicative relationships (9).

Materials and Methods

Design: Through a systematic search and review of the literature, a documentary, retrospective and meta -analytic investigation was established.

Show: Studies published in international repositories, considering the search for keywords: "mistreatment", "abuse". "aggression" and "violence". as well as the impact factor when they are published in journals indexed to international repositories such as Academia, Copernicus, Dialnet, Ebsco, Frontiers, Redalyc, Scielo, Scopus, WoS and Zenodo.

Instrument: Carreon Inventory of Systematic Reviews (2018). It includes a self-report on the findings related to psychological abuse in infants, considering the variables that are formatively and reflexively related.

Process: Judges who are experts in child abuse and psychological abuse rated the selected summaries, considering: -1 for negative and significant relationships of psychological abuse with other variables and +1 for positive and significant relationships (10).

Analysis: Data were processed in the full meta-analysis package version 3.0. Confidence intervals locked in homogeneous random effect sizes, and percentage attribution of random effects was estimated (11).

Interpretation: Values of block sizes of homogeneous random effects that were located at the threshold of the confidence interval were assumed as evidence of systematic relationships between the variables, although the high percentages of attribution of random effects were assumed as an occurrence of a random relationship (12).


Table 1 shows the descriptions of the meta -analysis. In the confidence intervals, values of random effect sizes can be seen, as well as percentages of random effects attributable to chance, evidencing a systematic review that can test the hypothesis of individual effects with respect to block effects.

Source: Prepared with data study; SE = Effect size, Q = Squares the differences between individual effect sizes with respect to block size effects; I2 = Percent degree of heterogeneity attributed to random effects; T2 = Degree of variance of the effects observed in the analyzed literature, T = Degree of standard deviation of the effects observed in the analyzed literature

The Q values for testing the hypothesis of significant differences between individual effects with respect to block effects suggest non-rejection of homogeneous and random effects. In other words, research on psychological abuse in infants seems to consistently show that it is a formative rather than a reflexive phenomenon. This is so because child mistreatment and abuse are classified as a problem inherent to other factors such as the health and economic crisis caused by the SARS CoV-2 coronavirus and the Covid-19 disease.

Table 1: Meta-analysis and descriptive

Repository Author Model Moderator IC I Q I2 T2 _ P
academy Araujo Abuse children ç COVID-19 Developing .14 to .56 .43 12.23 19% .89 10.12
copernicus Cohen Abusechildren çCOVID-19 Wellness .16 to .72 .52 14.21 12% .85 18.23
dialnet Driscoll AbusechildrençCOVID-19 Agency .19 to .79 .36 15.46 13% .83 19.21
ebsco hernandez Perceivedriskofchildabuseè Cognition .29 to .54 .39 13.26 14% .80 18.45
borders kalia Perceivedriskofchildabuseè Cognition .37 to .85 .67 15.47 17% .88 18.31
redalyc hoseinnezhad AbusechildrençCOVID-19 Violence .26 to .57 .43 10.23 19% .81 10.56
heaven orte Perceivedriskofchildabuseè Cognition .18to.67 .35 15.48 12% .83 15.32
Scopus tikka AbusechildrençCOVID-19 News .20to.48 .29 14.31 11% .89 19.56
WoS rafertty AbusechildrençCOVID-19 Wellness .16 to .60 .52 16.58 15% .84 18.31
zenode humphreys AbusechildrençCOVID-19 Violence .15 to .50 .36 15.48 16% .82 14.36


The contribution of this work to the state of the art lies in the systematic and meta -analytic review of studies on psychological abuse and maltreatment in infants during the pandemic. This is a retrospective study of homogeneous random effects, considering criteria of formative and reflexive relationships between the variables. Thresholds were established for the size of the effects, as well as the chance attribution percentages, although such findings can only be observed in the analysis sample, future lines of review are suggested by expanding the threshold of publications to prestigious repositories such as the Report of magazine citations.

Regarding the theory of psychological abuse, which explains the phenomenon based on self-control, this paper has shown that the literature consulted has systematically reported a formative relationship that includes homogeneous random blocking effects very similar to individual ones because these values are located within the confidence intervals.

In relation to the psychological studies that warn that child abuse has two aspects, one formative and the other reflective, prevailing the investigations that reveal determinant relationships between situations and group dynamics with respect to self-control and this with psychological abuse, the present work has shown that such relationships persist if the review period is considered.

Future lines of research that lead to the review of the determining models of child psychological abuse will make it possible to anticipate scenarios of violence within groups.


The aim of this paper was to establish a systematic and meta -analytic review of the homogeneous random effects of variables related to child psychological abuse. Random effects thresholds and percentages that show their relationships attributable to chance in a minimal proportion were found, suggesting the extension of the study by not rejecting the hypothesis of comparison between block and individual effects. The development of intervention strategies based on the systematic and meta -analytic review of psychological abuse models will prevent the spiral of violence, as well as the anticipation of interpersonal and group conflicts.

Conflict of Interest

Authors declare no conflict of interest.


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