The Virtopsy Project Scam: A Letter to the Editor
Department of Radiology, Al-Namas General Hospital, Ministry of Health, Al-Namas City, Saudi Arabia
*Corresponding author: Alahmari AF, Department of Radiology, Al- Namas General Hospital, Ministry of Health, Al-Namas City, Saudi Arabia, Tel: +966562428716; E-mail:
Citation: Alahmari AF (2024) The Virtopsy Project Scam: A Letter to the Editor. Clin Img and Med Case Rep Vol.1 No.2
Copyright: ©2024 Alahmari AF. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Dear Editor,
I hope this letter finds you well,
I have been always interested in forensic radiology and I have published some of my papers in this topic (1). But It came to my knowledge many years ago about a project in the forensic radiology field and this project claim many big things
The so called ?The virtopsy project?s team? has published many papers and books claiming fake scientific achievements and promoting pseudoscience as a new invention. I cite here my newly published book titled ?The Story Behind: Forensic Radiology Cases: From Virtuality to Reality? which exposes the scientific and philosophical arguments of the virtopsy project (2). In addition, Thali?s scheme to promote such untested ?technology? see (Figure 1). This project works in a systematic way of hiring radiologists and pathologists to attack the work of forensic pathologists and other medical professions. The virtopsy project?s claims are highlighted in details in this book. Also, the virtopsy project used self-citation and put many medical professionals on the project?s payroll in order to attack forensic pathologists and other healthcare providers. The funding source, the publication process, the self-citating process, the PR campaign, and the hijack of the original virtopsy project is described in details in this book after 3 years of investigation and scrutiny. It comes clear to me that this project which supposed to be a medical invention to help healthcare worker turns out to be attacking the medical professionals and trying to demolish the medical practice in its entirety. The self- testing process of the virtopsy project by its team and the propaganda spread by uneducated charlatan like Micheal Thali and his team of puppets who are on payroll by the Thali and his associates to troll the medical literature by adding pseudoscience in their unscientific journal. This book will address names, locations, events, organizations, and persons who are involved in this scam. The book is published in the American market due to the ability of having freedom of speech and showing the truth to the public. In order to have more availability of information to the public, the price of the book is $10 only to allow the reader to be able to obtain the book and know what the virtopsy project is up to do and expose their tactics.
The aim of such project is to take the medical professionals out of work and replace them with robots, machines, and AI. That?s why I stand against such a terrible project.
The issues in this project are too many and I can?t summarize them in this paper, but my book will highlight all the issue from A to Z.
Many thanks,
HU: Hounsfield Unit, Hex: Hexadecimal code, and CSF: cerebrospinal fluid. Note: Transparent color is not available on Hexadeci- mal Code (i.e. it can?t be done). * Meningitis cause leptomeningeal enhancement on CT, with normal CSF.
Abdulwahab F. Alahamri
Figure 1: The cover of the book on Amazon.
- Alahmari AF (2022) Forensic Radiology and Virtual Autopsy: An Overview. O J Radio Med Img 5: 37-43.
- Alahmari AF (2024) The Story Behind: Forensic Radiology Cases: From Virtuality to Reality.