Article Submission Guidelines
Authors must submit the manuscripts only in the form of word document or PDF through Online
Cover Letter
The author must attach a detailed cover letter, declaring that the manuscript filed for review is original and it is neither published nor under consideration for publication elsewhere. Author (s) is responsible for all the institutional approvals necessary prior to its publication if it necessary.
Peer Review Processing
All the submitted Manuscripts are subjected to single blind peer-reviewing to maintain the best publishing standards. The editor handles the entire editorial process and editor’s decision is final in considering or rejection any manuscript for publication.
Plagiarism & Quality Control
We do not encourage violation of copyrights and exact duplication of information is not acceptable. Our quality control team assesses the manuscript for plagiarized information or content and returns such manuscripts with suggestion to make corrections.
Article Types
CORE Publishers accepts Full Length Research articles, Review Articles, Case Reports, Editorials, Letter to the Editor, Short Communication, Perspectives, and Conference Proceedings for publication.
Research Articles:
Research Articles are based on the laboratory observations or research findings in the clinical settings, conducted following the standard research design, methods and techniques for data collection. Research articles present firsthand empirical evidences collected from the research and analyze the same using standard statistical tools. Results are often placed with substantial data in tabular forms, supporting it with images, and graphs. Manuscripts must follow the prescribed format for Research articles to be considered for review and consequent publication. charts and diagrams to draws conclusions. Research articles must not exceed the word limit of 5000, barring references and legends.
Review Articles
Review articles follow the same format like research articles, except for one reason they are different. They rely on secondary data for analysis, from which it draws conclusion. Review articles are based on revisiting the existing data on any important topic related to pure or applied sciences and try to extract various other dimensions that are not so far elicited. Manuscripts within 5000 word barring references can be accepted for Review articles.
Case Studies
Case Studies are exclusive study on a specific aspect of a very broad research area. A psychiatrist may study the aging factor and gender in dementia cases in women by closely studying a female patient suffering from dementia in 3000-5000 words. Case studies follow narration form to present the research findings with the help of substantial data support.
Perspectives/Commentaries are the viewpoints, discourses and observations of expert practitioner that focuses on innovations and the latest developments of the existing practices and trends in fewer than 1500-2500 words excluding references and legends.
Editorials are the expert’s opinion on the existing or the latest practices, innovations and developments. Editorials don’t follow research methods, yet follows a format and referees the scientific data/findings to draw valid and new conclusions within 1200 words.
Letters to the Editor
Readers write their views on the published information in the journal to the editor and editor may also write a letter to the readers by highlighting any new developments in the journal or about an important aspect of the latest research findings, not exceeding 1000-1200 words.
Manuscript Formatting Guidelines
CORE Publishers expect the authors to strictly follow the guidelines while filing their manuscripts for review;
Title: must be precise, self-explanatory and short. Please avoid using abbreviations in titles. Except the conjunctions, prepositions, and articles the first letter of each word must be in capital. Articles must be typed in Times New Roman, with a font size 15, should be in bold and centered.
Author Information:
Complete information of author (s) in the order of priority based on their contribution with their institutional affiliations must be mentioned in the manuscript. Complete contact information of the corresponding author along with the complete name, affiliation, phone numbers and email address must be included for all future communication.
Abstract: Any Manuscript filed for review must possess an abstract of not more than 300-500 words. The abstract should be able to summarize the entire study in a nut shell and must mention the methodology and the key findings of the study.
Keywords: All research, review and case reports must mention at lease 5-6 keywords or important phrases from the manuscript that providing glimpses of the article.
Introduction: The introduction should set the tone of the study by clearly stating the purpose of the research, explaining its significance, aim and scope by citing relevant research findings and statements as evidences.
Materials and Methods: This section should provide a complete overview of the research study, detailing the research techniques applied, the sample size, and the way the experiment is conducted. The data extracted from the study should be presenting in the form of tables, figures, images etc., to make it more meaningful to the readers.
The data collected by applying various research techniques is presented using formulae, equations etc., and it should be analyzed thoroughly by applying suitable statistical methods to discuss the major observations in its empirical form. Discussion shed light on major observations of the study, from which the researcher explores findings.
This section draws important findings of the study making comparisons, applying probabilities and by testing the hypothesis to prove or reject the statement made in the beginning of the study.
Conclusions, Limitations & Recommendations
Authors summarize the entire study by siting the limitations if any such as methods applied, or the sample size or areas covered to conduct this study. Author/s makes specific recommendations to advance research in this area in future.
The authors must acknowledge the funding agencies if any in their studies.
Author/s must acknowledge all the agencies, institutions and individuals that supported the study in the end.
Questionnaires, Abbreviations, Full form all the abridged words and the jargons must be elaborated in this section to facilitate readers.
Figure Illustrations and Table Formatting
Research is communicated effectively only through figures & tables such as graphs, illustrations, diagrams and other visuals. Tables play a significant role in presenting the study while the images enhance its impact. All the images must be submitted in high-resolution in TIFF, PNG, JPEG or EPS formats.
There is no limitation for the number of figures and tables to be included in the manuscript. Composite figures must be labeled A, B, C, etc. Legends are mandatory to explain each image or table, in not exceeding 100 words. It is important that numerical equations and the tables in the manuscript should be submitted in Word (.doc), Excel (.xls), and PPT formats only. Each table must contain a brief caption of no more than one sentence. It should be placed above the table with the table number. The legend and annotations should be placed below the table. All Tables submitted must be cell bases, editable and short. Usage of special characters such as Asters must be denoted below with the text explaining the denotation. Do not use any hyperlinked text in the tables. Table legends must not cross 100 words.
CORE Publishers follow Vancouver referencing style. This is a number based referencing style generally used in clinical, medical and biomedical research. It follows numerical approach. It refers to sources cited in the text in numerical order according to the order of appearance. If the same piece of work is cited more than once then same citation number should be used. Each reference number should be enclosed within square brackets e.g. [2].
References format: Author(s) last name, Title, Journal Short Name, Year, Volume: Page numbers.
- Journal Article with less than 6 authors: Schneider LS, Dagerman KS, Insel P. Risk of death with atypical antipsychotic drug treatment for dementia: meta-analysis of randomized placebo-controlled trials. JAMA. 2005; 294: 1934-1943.
- Journal Article with more than 6 authors: Rose ME, Huerbin MB, Melick J, Marion DW, Palmer AM, Schiding JK, et al. Regulation of interstitial excitatory amino acid concentrations after cortical contusion injury. Brain Res. 2002; 935: 40-46.
- Book Reference: Gilstrap LC 3rd, Cunningham FG, VanDorsten JP. Operative obstetrics. 2nd edn. New York: McGraw-Hill. 2002.
- Chapter in a Book Reference: Misra NC, Misra S, Chaturvedi A. Carcinoma gallbladder. In: Johnson CD, Taylor I, editors. Recent advances in surgery. London: Churchill Livingstone. 1997; 69-87.
- Conference proceedings: Harnden P, Joffe JK, Jones WG, editors. Germ cell tumours V. Proceedings of the 5th Germ Cell Tumour Conference, 2001 Sep 13-15. Leeds, UK. New York: Springer, 2002.
- Dissertation: Malinowski MM. Infant sleep and feeding: a telephone survey of Hispanic Americans [dissertation]. Mount Pleasant (MI): Central Michigan University. 2002. General Link Reference: National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization.