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The Journal of Clinical Psychology and Mental Health is a seminal journal in the field of mental health research. The journal publishes interesting, authoritative, and insightful scholarly content on conditions, such as depression, anxiety, PTSD, ADHD, dementia, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, and autism that afflict people all over the globe, with special focus on psychopharmacological and psychosocial treatment, thereby imposing a significant burden on our healthcare resources. The Journal of Clinical Psychology and Mental Health aims to engender a stronger collective voice for introducing a seismic change in how the world treats and perceives mental health conditions.

The journal is supported in its endeavours by its Editorial Board that comprises esteemed researchers from all over the world who are dedicated to dissecting every aspect of these complex disorders that are characterized by molecular, phenotypic, as well as behavioural manifestations. This open-access, peer-reviewed journal accepts contributions in the form of reviews, original articles, correspondence, and letters.

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